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White puppy dog at a christmas table

7 Common Dangers For Pets At Christmas And How To Avoid Them

From questions like “Can dogs eat ham?” “Why can’t dogs have ham?” and “can dogs eat Christmas ham?” it can be challenging finding out what exactly your pup can and can’t snack on. So, we have made a list of foods that you shouldn’t be feeding your dog this Christmas. 

We Rounded Up a List of Toxic Foods Pets Should Avoid

1. Can dogs eat christmas ham?  

Ham and other fatty meats can be dangerous to your dog because they contain high levels of fat that can lead to pancreatitis.  Pancreatitis is a condition in which the pancreas becomes inflamed, it can be very painful for your pet and in severe cases fatal.  

In addition to being high in fat, Christmas ham and other festive foods can be very salty and full of different herbs and spices that can cause serious stomach to upset if eaten by your cats and dogs. Dogs that eat lots of salty foods may also drink too much water and start to bloat which could result in a visit to the emergency vet so avoiding ham and rich salty meats is best practice for your pets.  

2. Can dogs eat apple, apricot, cherry and plums?

Although the fleshy parts of apples are safe for dogs, the core and apple seeds should be avoided. Apple seeds contain cyanide and while they are likely fine in small amounts its best to avoid the core and seeds altogether just in case. 

But these aren’t the only seeds your dogs shouldn’t eat. Apricot, cherry and plum seeds and pits should be avoided to because they also contain cyanide which can cause vomiting, irregular heartbeat and seizures. So, if you are going to give your pup a tasty fruit treat just make sure you remove the seeds/pits from them first! 

3. Can dogs eat avocados? 

You might think that avocados are healthy but unfortunately, they are not a healthy option for your dog. Avocados contain a substance called Persin which can act as a poison to dogs causing vomiting and diarrhea.  

4. Can pets have alcohol?  

Alcohol can be deadly to our pets and many Christmas and holiday leftovers have small amounts of alcohol in them. Dogs can also be attracted to the sweet taste of drinks, especially eggnog so make sure you put everything out of reach and don’t let your dog lick anything spilt on the floor. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include vomiting and breathing problems. Even small amounts of alcohol can lead to heart arrhythmias and dangerously low blood pressure. If your dog or cat does accidentally consume a lot of alcohol this year, then you may have to take a trip to the emergency vet.  

5. Can dogs eat coffee grounds? 

Caffeine contains methylxanthines which can cause fatal stomach problems, seizures and in some cases an irregular heartbeat.  If you place your coffee grounds in the bin or compost, make sure your dog doesn’t have any access to it to avoid ingesting something fatal. 

6. Can dogs eat raisins and sultanas?  

Raisins and sultanas are toxic to dogs and experts in the veterinary industry are yet to discover what it is in grapes that makes them so dangerous to dogs. While these might seem like a perfectly harmless treat, they can lead to kidney injury and failure in dogs, but no one really knows why. There are several theories but there is something about grapes that contain a compound that is directly linked to toxicity in the kidneys and severe fluid loss that leads to kidney failure in dogs. If your dog has a habit of stealing food of the table or eating anything that falls to the floor take note that they don’t include these deadly fruits.  

7. Can dogs eat chocolate?  

Dogs cannot eat chocolate as it contains a chemical called theobromine. In large quantities this can be fatal. If your dog has ingested some chocolate by accident.

While it might be tempting to give your dog some table scraps at Christmas time or have them eat leftover food there are health consequences and it’s not worth taking the chance, especially around the busy holiday time. Awareness is the key to prevention and researching what foods are appropriate to feed your pet will always be beneficial for you and others that you share this information with. 

Holidays are quickly approaching be sure to check outPet PA’s wide selection of dog and cat treats for a healthy approach this holiday season. 

If you need further support around this issue, PetPA offers vet care and advice via our website or speak with our trusted PetPA experts access our education resources, all from the comfort of your own home. However, if you believe your pet may have pancreatitis, then you will need to take them to a clinic to be seen in person urgently. 


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