Nutrition specially formulated with hydrolyzed soy protein and low fat levels to help avoid adverse food reactions and promote healthy skin in dogs with food and fat sensitivities. Fortified with Hill's breakthrough ActivBiome+ ingredient technology clinically shown to rapidly activate the gut microbiome to support digestive health and well-being.
Weight of Dog - lbs (kgs) | Amount per Day - cups (grams) |
5 (2,3) | 2/3 (65) |
10 (4,5) | 1 1/8 (110) |
15 (6,8) | 1 1/2 (150) |
20 (9,1) | 1 3/4 (175) |
30 (14) | 2 1/2 (250) |
40 (18) | 3 (295) |
50 (23) | 3 2/3 (365) |
60 (27) | 4 1/4 (420) |
70 (32) | 4 3/4 (470) |
80 (36) | 5 1/4 (520) |
100 (45) | 6 1/4 (620) |
120 (54) | 7 (695) |