Cat Prescription Food
Cat Prescription Diets, including specialised diets for cats, are carefully formulated to assist with the treatment or management of a particular illness or condition. Consult a veterinarian for a prescription diet based on their diagnosis and seek veterinary advice if your cat's condition deteriorates in any way to discuss your cat's diet and lifestyle.
Veterinary Diet Customer Declaration
Vet diets are carefully formulated to assist with the treatment or management of a particular illness or condition. Cat Prescription Diets, including specialised diets for cats, are carefully formulated to assist with the treatment or management of a particular illness or condition. By purchasing these products you acknowledge that the following is accurate:
- I confirm that my pet was examined by a veterinarian who recommended the use of a vet Diet on the basis of their diagnosis;
- I understand that it is recommended that I seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of this vet Diet; and
- I understand that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet’s condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use this vet Diet.
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